Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I've made my first stop motion film! (in my ceramics workshop) My teacher Misty Gamble encouraged me to bring animation into the class, since I've become more and more passionate about it as the year has progressed, so I was very excited about this project!
I used a green screen, or chroma key, and did all the editing in After Affects, which was also new to me. I'll be using a projector to display it at the end of the workshop.

I feel like a lone frontier in freshman animation. Also I've tried my hand at digital animation in Flash now! It's so much easier to manage than frame by frame drawing like photoshop. It's like learning a new language, with tweens and keyframes galore. (It's so nice that we get the entire adobe package here on campus.)

If you can't tell already, I've decided to go into Animation as my major next year, actually, I'm signing up today. :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Editing something to match music is hard work fun!
(also pixel art!)
(also started doing digital commissions)
I think I've really improved with digital stuff.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Animation Practice

first flour sack test

simple head turn lines & color test

walk cycle

Monday, October 21, 2013

Digital Art Dump

This is what I do in my spare time at art school. The first is of my friends Natalie and Lois on a piano we found backstage. (done from memory)
The next two are based off of songs "Fire Fire" and "Honeybee" by Steam Powered Giraffe.

And the last is a gif of the band, with the name of their upcoming album, "MK III", cleverly disguised in the design.

PS I taught myself how to make simple gifs and animations yay.

Friday, July 5, 2013

AP Art Class 2013

Remember that one time I started to draw the AP Art Class based on their concentrations?
It's still kinda rough,
But it was great character design practice.

Revamped Superhero

 This kinda goes along with my artist statement. An artist superhero, who can change color based on mood and can create energy based on imagination.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


"Smoke" What would this be, tradigital? Anyway, I finished up a drawing in elements today and here it is! No, I haven't taken up smoking. A secondary title was Pollution.A soothing moment in exchange for a choking world.